I thought it would be fun to post the words you can say...only how you actually say them, so here goes
Outside = outfigh
Dad is at work = dada wook
Apple= Abble
Cheese= Sheese
Telletubbies= Tellietell
Gum= dum
Milk= nilk
More= mow
Ride= wide
Thank you- dankdoo
I love you= wuv ewe
This pretty good considering you say the other 40 words you know almost perfectly!
My big boy

Hi kiddo. Its Wednesday. Saturday you got a hair cut. This wasn't your first hair cut, it was however your first big boy hair cut. You went from my sweet little angelic baby to, well, a toddler. I'm having a bit of a break down over this. You look so grown up I'm not sure what to do. Every time I try and nuzzle your hair I get poked by your new spikes. To remind me how grown up you are you have started talking. By far your most favorite thing to do is ask me for Gum. All day long, Gum, Gum? GUM? Darn what do I do when I have no gum? You think my prenatal vitamins are gum, along with my Malox and cough drops. At the end of meals you have started telling me you are DONE rather then throwing your entire bowl on the floor to let me know. I love this. I really prefer hearing done, done done done doooooooone to seeing macaroni fly by my head. You like to bring daddy his work boots in the morning when he is getting ready for work. Just now you lugged out each boot (they are heavy for you) while he was getting ready for his softball game. I wonder if daddy knows he has to wear those boots now or you will be soooo sad since you carried them all the way from the laundry room.
You can point out tons of body parts including, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, foot, belly and your pee pee. When I say wheres your pee pee you thrust your pelvis and grab your diaper just like Michael Jackson. Today I took off your shoes and you ran and put them in your closet. Then you grabbed a diaper sat on the floor and put it under you. I guess you were telling me your diaper was wet.
Yesterday you got your first real head gash that gushed blood and everything. By gushed blood I meant there was a whole entire drop of blood that formed. Today grandma bumped you accidentally and broke it open again and this time two drops of blood. TWO!
When I go to the bathroom you love to wad up toilet paper and try and stick it between my legs into the toilet. The only way I can convince you to stop is to give you gum.
You loooove watermelon, apples and bananas. You also looove macaroni. You don't like mashed potatoes and barely tolerate meat. It has to be hidden in something like spaghetti. You are looking at me right now with watermelon juice dripping down your face and I want to lick it, but you beat me to it.
In the morning when I eat my cereal you run over and open your mouth saying aahhhhh which means hey lemme drink the milk out of your bowl. So now I give you a little bowl with your own cereal and milk. You wait a minute for the chocolate to come off your cocoa crispies and then pick up the bowl with both hands and slurp out all of the milk.
Lately you have started saying Tellie tell which means Telletubbies. You love to watch them and you let me know by saying Tellie tell. The same goes for Elmo which you almost always want to watch. You also love to carry around your Elmo. Tonight you pulled out a giant container of Emerils seasoning and opened up the velcro back of him and proceeded to season him up. I almost died laughing until I realized that you were actually dumping seasoning EVERYWHERE.
I still love you more then the entire universe. I still get all misty eyed and gaga when I think about how much I love you. Your my whole world. I am so thankful I had you because (to steal a movie line here) you complete me little guy.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. COPYRIGHT SHANNON MATEO 2007 DON'T STEAL MY SHIT FUCKERS!
Words I can say
- Apple
- Shoe
- Hot
- Bye
- No
- Ya
- Baby
- F**k
- Sh*t
- Ball
- Whoah
- Uh Oh
- Cheese
- Cheeto's
- Pees (Please)
- Dog
- Thanks
- Mine
- Nose
- Papa
- Dada
- Mama
- Shannon
- Elmo