
Oh my

Hi son! You are learning so much lately. Growing before my eyes every second. I blink and you already know something knew. Like above in that picture, you are learning to use buttons. You love to make big messes, the funny thing is after you do it, you run to me and say, "mama I make mess." It is like you want to get caught. You get in trouble a lot these days. The most recent example would be Monday when you pulled the fire alarm at a hospital. After that you started screaming that it was a monster when the lights were flashing. Now you run around all day asking for the fire monster and saying I make fire I make fire. It is hilarious.

You love your brother. You love to hug him and kiss him and hold him. You also love to wake him up. I think you are really ready for him to be old enough to play. You tell me all the time that you love him or you like him. When you go away for the weekend you miss him more the daddy and me.
You really love blowing out candles. It started with birfday candles and moved on to all candles. That means any time grandma or I light our candles we have to expect that seconds later Brandon will come running in and blow them out.
You speak in the third person. Everything is Brandons, or Brandon do it. You are always saying, "you wan come Bandons woom with me?" Or when you want to do something instead of have me do it, you say, "NO Bandon's do it!"

You love to name the animals you see. You tell me mama issa cow MOOOOOOO. Recently you've started asking if we can buy a cow. You ask this because Papa told you he would buy you a cow and you believed him. We can not drive by a farm without you getting angry that we are not in fact there to buy a cow. You have been potty trained for a while now but once in a while just for fun you will strip down naked and pee on the floor then run in and say "mama I pee floor!" In fact, just a few minutes ago while you were pinishing pooping you informed me that you Pee bath and opened the bath for me to see!

You still love to drink your Nilp but you have finally branched out some on your eating. You not only eat cheetos and macaroni now but you also eat pancakes, Elmo soup, raviolis, and cheese. You also taste things now. You see me eating something and announce, I WAN EAT DAT! You actually really like carrots and green beans. You really really really do not like spicy food. You spit it out, wipe your tongue and say I NEED WADDA WADDA WADDA!

You are often asking me, "mama whats that noise in dere?" I will tell you what it is, it's the TV or the dogs or the wind. If it is something you don't know then it instantly gets dubbed a monster. For instance the fridge made a noise the other day and when I told you what it was you declared it the PRIDGE MONSTER! You are obsessed with monsters but also terrified of them. Everything that you are uncertain of is a monster. Things that you are scared of on TV become monsters and you cover your ears so you don't have to see them? I don't know why you don't close your eyes but instead you cover your ears. Your new favorite friends are the dogs. Grandma brings her dogs to work every day and you LOVE them! They get you in a lot of trouble though. You like to dump out EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR TOYS and give them to the dogs to chew on. That is why most of your blocks are now half blocks and instead of having books you only have boo because the dog chewed the rest. One of your most favorite things to do is cuddle. I taught you that. I asked you one day to come cuddle with me. Now you do it all the time, you say, "I need to cuddle mama." You love to kiss me and smother me with kisses all the time. You give me hugs and now when I say, I love you Brandon, you reply, "I love you more." I don't know if that is possible. I don't know how anyone in the world could love anyone as much as I love you. I love you my son. I love you bigger then the world!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. COPYRIGHT SHANNON MATEO 2007 DON'T STEAL MY SHIT FUCKERS!

Words I can say

  • Apple
  • Shoe
  • Hot
  • Bye
  • No
  • Ya
  • Baby
  • F**k
  • Sh*t
  • Ball
  • Whoah
  • Uh Oh
  • Cheese
  • Cheeto's
  • Pees (Please)
  • Dog
  • Thanks
  • Mine
  • Nose
  • Papa
  • Dada
  • Mama
  • Shannon
  • Elmo