

Dear Brandon,
Hello son. It is January 14, 2006 I spent the New Year with you. You have now had your first Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. You have become such personality. I can’t even believe it. I am amazed at you everyday. You are eating baby food now and I feel so sad sometimes at how much my baby is growing up and you are only five and a half months old. Right now you are sitting next to me lounging in your Hanes sweat pants. Wait I’m going to take a picture of you. Well I tried but you were in the middle of pooping so you didn’t feel much like smiling. You are so big now. Last time I weighed you, you were fifteen whole pounds. I couldn’t believe it. I love you so much. You have started to crawl. The only thing is that you only know how to go backwards. It totally cracks me up. You can go pretty fast though. One minute I see you and the next minute you disappear behind the couch. At work you can make it almost all the way around my desk to try and find me. I love it because right now you are going through a phase where you are totally in love with me. You even reach for me now, which just melts my heart. You still sleep with me. Yes you do sleep with me. I’m sorry if that ruins you when you are older but your mom loves you so much she can’t bear to leave you alone yet. You also love to chew on anything you can get your hands on. Today we were sitting at the table and you reached behind you and pulled the leaves off my plant. I took em away but you thought it was so great you reached right back and did it again. It was so cute and funny. At work you sit in your little chair at my desk and you do your “paper work.” I give you all the envelopes from the mail (after I removed the part that was licked) and you shuffle them around and do paper work just like mommy. You also love to type. I just decorated your bathroom. Its so cute. It has monkeys and lions and giraffes and zebras and elephants. It’s a very cute little boy bathroom. Your dad is changing your diaper now so I have a second to run to the bathroom. He says the cutest things to you. He also makes the cutest noises at you. I really love watching you and him together. You have this little toy it’s called a jumparoo. You can go in it and jump around the living room. It is the cutes thing ever. When you get mad you bounce really hard. When you want out you reach up now. At night you sleep between your dad and I. Alright you have a clean diaper now so you smiled for a picture. You are also talking gibberish to me. Your little noises and sounds are so cute. You get going so good and I always wonder what you are saying. You see the keyboard and are dying to type on
It. Uh oh here you go you are starting to type. Mnjhbm nujykullllllllllllllll,mn ยต≈≥, /, kmp09o8hyyyjkoi7bh hm jjjjjjjjjjjjjjmnb jmmmmmmmmmmm,.

Okay I am trying to take control of the keyboard back but you aren’t letting me do it so well. You are still pretty bald but I love your little hairs. When you get out of a shower and your hair first dries it dries in a little Mohawk. I love it because I wanted to give you a Mohawk before you were even born. Your little hands have finally uncurled and you can pick up everytHI|[]nG. }YOU ]a
Ve are very ticklesh on your belly and YOU HAVE The cutes
T Laugh ever. (can you tell you found the keyboard again?) Anyway you love to laugh at all the funny noises I make and my silly dances. Dad makes fun of me because I make up funny songs and sing them to you. I sing one that your dad laughs at the most and it goes…here I go walking down the street, the cutest baby you ever did meet. I also remake songs. I sing to you…tiny poopoo in my diaper makes me feel sad makes me feel sad. Yes your mom is a total weirdo. Sorry dear your probably going to be a little odd like me. You are next to me on your belly bouncing all around and it is really cute. I love it. I just sat you up and was told GARARARAR oooogogogg. You might be pooping again. I don’t know if I am supposed to laugh or look away when you poop. You make the funniest noise kind of a grunt and you turn bright red. You are dying to walk and crawl forward. It is so fun to watch you try and crawl forward. At night when you are hungry and we are on opposite sides of the bed you can actually crawl towards me. You have a hold of your toes now. I guess they are pretty fascinating. My favorite part of you is your tooshy. I love your tooshy. You are the cutest hwen when you are just naked but your diaper. I love everything about you. I want you to know how much I love you. You are my world. You make my world go around. I love you so much more then I think you will ever be able to remember. Everyone tells me that when you are older you are not going to remember how much I love you and kiss you and hug you. So I’m telling you now. I kiss you a million times everyday and hug you every time I get a chance to. I cannot imagine my life without you in it. I don’t know how I ever existed with out you. I just want to make sure you know. I love you more then anything in this world. I will always love you. I don’t care what you do your mom is always going to be on your side. I am here for you forever and always. I hope you achieve amazing things. I hope all of your dreams come true. And I hope you have the best life possible.
I love you my son.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. COPYRIGHT SHANNON MATEO 2007 DON'T STEAL MY SHIT FUCKERS!

Words I can say

  • Apple
  • Shoe
  • Hot
  • Bye
  • No
  • Ya
  • Baby
  • F**k
  • Sh*t
  • Ball
  • Whoah
  • Uh Oh
  • Cheese
  • Cheeto's
  • Pees (Please)
  • Dog
  • Thanks
  • Mine
  • Nose
  • Papa
  • Dada
  • Mama
  • Shannon
  • Elmo