

Dear Brandon,
It is November 26, 2006 at 8:56 in the morning. You are sleeping here next to me on a pillow. You are so little sometimes that still amazes me because you are growing so fast. You just woke up and climbed in my lap. I love that. I love when you just come sit in my lap and hang out. I had to take a break from typing to do upside down baby. That just cracks you up plus I can see your little teeth. You have eight teeth now. They are soooo cute. I still love to look at your little head. I can’t stop kissing it in the back right where your hair swirls. I am so crazy for you. I wanted to make sure I wrote you to tell you how much I love you. You are my whole entire world. I hope someday you will remember how much I love you. How happy you make me. You have the best personality. You like to sit in my lap and watch movies. Right now your favorite movies are Madagascar and The Incredible’s. At your last doctors visit you wee 32 inches tall. You also finally got to turn around and face forward in your car seat. You love to drink vanilla, strawberry and chocolate milk. However you wont have anything to do with regular milk. I finally quit breast feeding you and I’m pretty sad about it. I really miss it. That was one of my most favorite times to spend with you. You really love to eat oatmeal and we have it together for breakfast almost every morning. You climb everything now its amazing. You are a regular old monkey. I love watching you but sometimes you scare the heck out of me. So far you say momma, cheese, uh oh spaghettios and Oh shit. Yes you say that word and its all my fault. You also love to stick your tongue out and make funny faces and be silly. I love it. You are very good at telling me what you want. You know where the cheese is and you show me when you want that or your milk. You love when dad spins you around and makes you dizzy and you have actually taught yourself how to do it. The cat has become your best friend lately. Sometimes you even like to jump on him and sometimes you just lay on the floor and cuddle with him.

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. COPYRIGHT SHANNON MATEO 2007 DON'T STEAL MY SHIT FUCKERS!

Words I can say

  • Apple
  • Shoe
  • Hot
  • Bye
  • No
  • Ya
  • Baby
  • F**k
  • Sh*t
  • Ball
  • Whoah
  • Uh Oh
  • Cheese
  • Cheeto's
  • Pees (Please)
  • Dog
  • Thanks
  • Mine
  • Nose
  • Papa
  • Dada
  • Mama
  • Shannon
  • Elmo